Flux in the yearbook for Architecture 2024!

With two completed projects, Flux is featured in the new edition of the Yearbook for Architecture. A lively image report shows the projects Highnote Almere and Houthaven Amsterdam.

Every year, the editors present a review of the past architectural year in this publication in the form of essays, as well as a selection of sensational projects that reflect the state of the profession. The editors of the 2023/2024 yearbook consist of Uri Gilad, Stephan Petermann and Annuska Pronkhorst.

For the Highnote Almere project, Flux designed three outdoor spaces, each with its own identity. The building contains a large open plinth followed by an industrial yard, a green court and a collective roof garden. Commissioned by AM and architecture by studioninedots.

For Houthaven Amsterdam flux designed a shared inner garden commissioned by Synchroon and in collaboration with Shift architecture.

Flux on Dag van de Ontwerpkracht

How do we get a grip on the design of our future? What should be done now and what can be done later?

Questions that will be asked at the Dag van de Ontwerpkracht. On this day, Flux will give one of the master classes on design research as foresight: Distinctive future scenario's clarify the relationship between choices and can help to make trade-offs. For the New National Spatial Strategy (Nieuwe Nota Ruimte), Flux worked out four scenario variants. An interactive discussion on the Dag van de Ontwerpkracht explores how this method can be applied more widely.

Curious? Then join the discussion at the library in Tilburg on 4 July or check out the website:
Dag van de Ontwerpkracht

Flux wins WLA Award 2024!

An excellent example that integrates climate adaptation, biodiversity and liveability at several scales’ (jury WLA Awards)

A great compliment for the Flux project: Binckhorst The Hague. The Binckhorst project was awarded with the Award of Excellence and chosen out of more than 250 entries worldwide that were submitted.

Commissioned by the municipality of The Hague Flux worked on a vision for a biodiverse and climate-adaptive development for Binckhorst The Hague. The vision combines the urbanisation assignment with a solid landscape quality impulse and a future-proof design of the public space. The project starts from an overall vision for the entire Binckhorst area, that shows an inspiring future image for the longer term. From this vision, a number of subareas have been worked out. Concrete ‘rules’ for a future-proof design of the public space are proposed for each subarea. These ground rules include the integration of water storage in the public space, the design of (green) quays and a strategy for climate-adaptive and biodiverse planting in various conditions. In collaboration with Wageningen University and Research.

Would you like to know more? Please take a look at:

Binckhorst Den Haag

WLA Awards 2024

Cities needed in research Stadsflora

Flux is working on the design research Stadsflora: a study into future-proof planting plans in the city. Due to climate change cities are getting warmer and wetter, while at the same time biodiversity is declining. Dutch cities will have to be better prepared by greening up. Flux sees the need for a radically different way of dealing with planting in the city, with planting plans that better accommodate these changing conditions. How can planting be robust and future-proof? What does a natural approach to urban planting look like and what are the design principles for this? How does planting contribute to combating heat stress, capturing rainwater and improving biodiversity?

For the development of a number of design cases, Flux is looking for Dutch cities to cooperate with. Breda, Nijmegen, Eindhoven and The Hague have now joined the design research.

Are you interested and would you also like to submit a case? Contact us at info@fluxlandscape.nl 

Green vision Steenwijkerland

Flux has been commissioned to develop a green vision for the Steenwijkerland municipality. In the coming months, Flux will research and visualise how greenery can be used to make Steenwijkerland more biodiverse, climate-proof and healthy. A wealth of landscape types is central to this.

Commissioned by Steenwijkerland municipality

Binckmarkt Den Haag

Last Wednesday 22 May was the Binckmarkt. An inspiring event with an extensive and interactive afternoon and evening programme; with cycling, walking and boat tours, plenary presentations, breakout rooms and a general information market.

The Binckmarkt was a great way to participate about the area vision Flux is working on, together with BURAStadkwadraat BVDe Mannen van SchuimPartnersRO and APPM Management Consultants. Commissioned by Gemeente Den Haag.

Photo: APPM

Lecture Delfland Zoet-Zout TU Delft

On 14 June, Bram Willemse of Flux will present the results of the Delfland Fresh-Salt design research. The research examined how to deal with salination and how to work towards a climate-proof water board in 2100. In three appealing future perspectives, different schools of thought were elaborated, each with a different relationship between fresh and salt water, a different water system and a different land use. In collaboration with ZUS.

The ReDesigning Deltas-Collective is a community of practice that builds knowledge, experience and transferal to new generations and internationally by participating in projects and debate. The aim is to influence the future of deltas, the Netherlands particularly, with the building of a debated design approach and transfer this to policy, new generations and also internationally.

Interested in the lecture? Attend for free at the TU Delft's Berlage Hall.

Date: 14th of June
Time: 15 - 17 hours
Location: TU Delft
Language: English
Free entrance

​Flux is looking for interns

Flux is looking for interns per September 2024! 

Film development perspective De Peel

A film explaining the vision for the NOVEX De Peel project was made. Bram Willemse, project manager and urban designer at Flux, talks about the history and origins of the landscape and how the vision builds on this. It aims at a Peel transforming from a monofunctional production landscape to a rich palette of attractive landscapes, where climate-robust land use is based on local soil conditions.
This project is commissioned by the national government, 2 provinces, 2 water boards, 17 municipalities and in cooperation with Royal HaskoningDHV. 

Watch the film here

Klaprozenweg Amsterdam

Flux received the commission for the design of a courtyard in the Klaprozenbuurt in Amsterdam. Commissioned by Bun ontwikkeling and in collaboration with INBO and Rene van Zuuk architects.